We hope that all of you had a wonderful Christmas time with your families. We enjoyed time with both sides of our family at different times. We tried not to be too distracted, but there is much on our minds as we plan, prepare, pack and ponder all that is in store for us!
Most of our packing supplies have been purchased -- now it's time to pack. Fortunately, we have downsized quite a bit in our relocation to Keli's parents home; unfortunately, we have settled too well into this home! We have to begin the tedious process of pulling everything out, deciding whether to pack in what we need to take immediately, ship for later, or store with one set of our parents for whenever we should return. Though this is really cathartic on one hand (let's face it, we could all do with less in our lives), it is also a difficult to help the kids process. I'll post a picture of our shipping load later next week...
The airfare is purchased and flights are confirmed; we fly from Huntsville on the afternoon of Friday, January 6. The flight combination includes 3 legs, and the two layovers are the briefest possible for an international flight--this means that we will have to be on our toes and hope that all goes according to schedule, or we will fall into the long airport layovers that we hope to avoid. Travel time, from Huntsville takeoff to Cairo landing, is less than 17 hours. It will be a long day...
We arrive, as previously hoped, on January 7, which is Coptic Christmas in Egypt. What a perfect day to begin sharing the love of God in Egypt.
Thank you for your ongoing support and continuing prayers on our behalf...
Most of our packing supplies have been purchased -- now it's time to pack. Fortunately, we have downsized quite a bit in our relocation to Keli's parents home; unfortunately, we have settled too well into this home! We have to begin the tedious process of pulling everything out, deciding whether to pack in what we need to take immediately, ship for later, or store with one set of our parents for whenever we should return. Though this is really cathartic on one hand (let's face it, we could all do with less in our lives), it is also a difficult to help the kids process. I'll post a picture of our shipping load later next week...
The airfare is purchased and flights are confirmed; we fly from Huntsville on the afternoon of Friday, January 6. The flight combination includes 3 legs, and the two layovers are the briefest possible for an international flight--this means that we will have to be on our toes and hope that all goes according to schedule, or we will fall into the long airport layovers that we hope to avoid. Travel time, from Huntsville takeoff to Cairo landing, is less than 17 hours. It will be a long day...
We arrive, as previously hoped, on January 7, which is Coptic Christmas in Egypt. What a perfect day to begin sharing the love of God in Egypt.
Thank you for your ongoing support and continuing prayers on our behalf...