Monday, September 3, 2012

Ana Terzo pics

Zeke and I didn't know what to expect
on our first trip to Lebanon;
entering the entry level of the largest
Middle East system of caves
was definitely unexpected,
but one of the many joys of the trip.
Zeke and I just completed an amazing first trip to Lebanon.

Ana Terzo means "I am third", referring to the theme of "God first, others second, and then Ana Terzo." Nabil Safi, now the missions pastor at Salem ChoG outside of Dayton, OH (1 of our supporters) had the vision for this camp, and set a 3-year plan in motion. The annual camp has now completed its 6th year and is a strong event for "youth" ages 17-mid-30's. (Junior youth ages 9-17 have their camp in a couple weeks).

We were thrilled by this opportunity; blown away by the beauty of the country and camp; overwhelmed by the sincere fellowship; and just all-around blessed by the great Lebanese young adults and leaders.

Here are a view pics of our time in Lebanon...
On the first day, the campers and I got to repel down into this hole and onto the natural bridge...
...look again at the top of the natural bridge and you will see a few of the first to complete this challenge!
Zeke enjoys a large Lebanese wrap before caving...
The 'restaurant' had a waterfall channelled through the center
where they cooled drinks and watermelons.

A group discussion after one of the main sessions
at the Lebanese ChoG Campgrounds, Theopolis (City of God)
After using an example from the movie The Lion King, Lebanese youth
wanted us to see their "pride rock" which overlooked a beautiful valley.

Part of the group in worship at Theopolis.
A gift from the Ana Terzo Camp for our family,
a beautiful Cedar of Lebanon.
(L-R) Natalie, Gerard, Shukri, Katia, Zeke, Fouad, and Freddy
after Ana Terzo, after an amazing Lebanese dining experience,
and before a trip to Krispy Kreme (takeout to bring to Cairo),
and before much needed rest for all of us!!!


  1. Hi! My husband, Bruce Krieg, and I (Alyssa) went to visit a dear friend in Lebanon last summer who is also a missionary in the middle east. Her name is Sarah. How interesting..she told us about Heart for Lebanon. She was working with IMAC, the International Music and Arts Center in Beirut. We helped her and another guy with a music camp, which we attended with two of the people in the photo above, Shukri and Katia and their cute boys! What a small world it is. It's neat to hear what God is doing with your family. We attend Holladay Park and get your newsletters. I clicked on this morning, and saw this link about Lebanon! How exciting. Many blessings to you and your family. Sincerely,
    Alyssa Krieg

    1. Alyssa

      Thanks for your email -- i'm not surprised about hearing about Heart for Lebanon--they are an impressive and passionate group of servants. I am also glad to see your connection to Shukri and Katia--they were awesome hosts and we look forward to more service beside them in the future.

      Thanks for your comments and taking time to read and pray for our service. May the Lord continue to bless you to be a blessing...

    2. Thank you...may the Lord bless you and your family as well. Just read up on some of the events from your blog. I'll update my husband so he can be praying too.

      By the way, did you happen to have Pepsi with Shukri? That was the BIG treat with the kids at camp last summer....PEPSI! PEPSI! I'll never was so fun. :)

      Take care,


  2. Pepsi--yes--but didn't realize it was such a treat! It seemed fairly normal while we were there with everyone--it's definitely pretty common place around here!

    Pray for Lebanon--email from Camille tonight says that demonstrations in Beirut streets haven't stopped since the Pope left.
