Thursday, December 26, 2013

Let There Be Peace On...Egypt

We hope that you had a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends.  We were blessed by wonderful celebrations and time with our children here in Cairo, but the mood these past few days has been pretty somber.

On Monday, a police station in the Nile Delta community of Mansoura was targeted with a series of bomb blasts--2 of 3 detonating and resulting in at least 14 dead.  Funerals were held on Tuesday, which of course was Western Christmas Eve.

Though Islamist militants who had been attacking in the Sinai region claimed credit for the bombing, the government focused their attention on the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), marking them as a "terrorist organization" on Wednesday (Christmas day).

Today, December 26 is Boxing Day in some parts of the world intending to mark the continued giving of boxed gifts and special sales, but here in Cairo, another bomb blast--smaller in destructive impact fortunately.  But, the larger impact came in the announcement that MB members and those leading their protests would be arrested and sentenced according to this new terrorist label, and many began to be arrested.

Anger fills social networking posts, criticism and fear are also floating around.  As anger swells amidst recent violent activity, concern for upcoming events and uncertainty for the future grows, as well.

On January 8, ousted-President Morsi makes his return to the courtroom.  His disdain of the court, refusing to follow rules, to allow the judge to speak, or to allow the proceedings to even really commence led to this delay.  If he continues his outburst, he may find more time in contempt; though if he continues in defiance, he may fuel others outside of prison to be equally defiant.

The public referendum on the new proposed Constitution is set for less than a week after that--but with protests planned, arrests being made, and concern over additional attacks, we're not sure what we'll find in the middle of January.

Police stations here in our part of town appear to be on a heightened level of alert.  We have much to read to try to understand all the nuances and implications of the current "terror" designation, the attacks, the changes in the proposed constitution, and the other factors affecting the Egyptian peace and stability.

As we approach the New Year, there are the same prayer needs and issues, though new levels of discord may create new problems.

Pray for peace, especially between Muslims and Christians; pray against the political conflict being waged between churches and mosques.

Pray for wise leadership.  Pray for future leadership to arise that can be visionary, inspiring, and able to lead a fractured country toward wholeness.

Pray for the upcoming referendum and trial dates.


Thank you for your continuing interest, prayers, and encouragement.  

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