Thursday, April 17, 2014

First Flight

It's Maundy Thursday, which is my favorite day of the year, reflecting on the new "mandatum" (Latin for command) that Jesus gave in John 13:34 to love one another as He has loved us.

As I reflect on that, I can't help but reflect upon the blessings we have received from the Lord, as well as the blessing it is to serve within this region--from here in Cairo, throughout Egypt, into Lebanon, and contributing in Europe.  We love our team, and we love the diversity of people with whom we get to serve and from whom we learn, as well as the moments we share laughing and growing together.  Amazing, everyday is amazing.

I found this video in shared by our friends Chris and Hennie Schoon.  Chris was a friend of ours at Anderson University, and their family lives/ministers in Canada, closer to Hennie's roots.  The video is produced by Vodaphone, which is one of the three Egyptian cellular service providers here in Egypt.  The two ladies in the film, I believe, are Dutch and they're on their way to Barcelona, Spain.  They are each in their 70's, but they're doing something brand new together, and discovering a bit of youth along the way.  One is a bit fearless, and the other more fearful.  One is a widow, the other still married.  Their perspectives to this adventure couldn't be more different, but they are meeting each other for the first time and taking the leap together, and become good friends in the process.

Enough of the description, just do yourself a favor and take ten minutes to watch and smile:

I think what I like is how this represents a bit of what we do here in Three Worlds; helping believers across the region to reach beyond themselves into something new, while reaching out to each other, and discovering a greater sense of youth and vitality along the way.  It's a risk, but it's so rewarding, too.

Thank you for your continued interest, thoughts, and prayers--for taking the risk with us and discovering the joy along the way.  Hope your Easter is wonderful...

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