Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah...

...So begins the classic camp tune by Allan Sherman from 1963 (see )   Every time I went to camp as a child (Indiana's Camp Challenge most of those years), dad would remind me of this song.

Funny how after all these years, I'm still reminded of that song when I step onto rustic campgrounds like Double K here in central Washington.  We're here for the annaul Church of God's Pacific Northwest Association (PNA) family camp.  What's great about having several support churches from one area is that you can plant yourself in the middle of them and participate in events like this to see several at once.

Double K is an amazing, serene and beautiful facility.  It was purchased by Rev Wilbur & Evelyn Skaggs, just like the property where we live in Cairo.  We have heard of this camp for years, but it's great to be among the fellowship and experience the Church here.

There are a lot of young families here this week, spending time with their kids in he beautiful area while also participating in the nightly services and daily activities.

Our kids are participating with the youth program led by Cody, who is a fellow Anderson U grad and who serves at the Walla Wallla congregation.  The kids have swam in the local lake and went rafting down a nearby River yesterday; each night has the typical games like capture the flag.

The Smatlak family from the Dairview congregation in Seattle are leading ge worship each night.  Dan and Darla were in our college Sunday school group back at North Anderson, so it's been great to reconnect with them and to collaborate on sharing testimonies that match the themes of worship songs each night.

And the amazing Dr Diana Swoope from the Arlington Churchnof God in Ohio is bring a powerful, energetic message from the Scriptures each night along the theme of breaking through hard places.  It has been inspiring to listen to her unique style and fun delivery, and challenging to feel the Spirit moving in our hearts.

A part from the testimonies, our sharing is largely informal and in personal conversations this week.  Keli will speak to the ladies in the CWC tea this afternoon.  Speaking of the Christian Women Connection, Keli was able to see Evie who was one of the 12 ladies who went from the USA to Italy for the 3W Women's conference last February.  She saw Kathy in Clanton, Alabama last week , as well as Peggy, Becca, and Mary at the OKC convention--and she's plant to see Cheryl in August--all of whom remember that event with fondness.

So we've been blessed again this week.  We are so thankful for the support of these churches from the PNA and their members who have been so welcoming and encouraging during our stay here:
- Fairview, Seattle
- Olympia-Lacey, WA
- Centralia Community, WA
- First ChoG, Onalaska, WA
- Columbia Community Church, Richland, WA
- Blue Mtn Community, Walla Walla, WA
- Oregon Trail, Caldwell, ID
- Cloverdale, Boise, ID
- and the southern Idaho ChoG congregations

We'll leave here Friday for some sightseeing in Seattle, and prepare for a visit with the Fairview congregation Sunday morning.  Then it's south to Portland and Warner Pacific College where we will participate similarly in the Summer Celebration for that area.

Thanks for your continued interest, support and prayers for us along the way...

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