Saturday, July 14, 2012

RC's in Cairo, & Clinton, too

We were happy to welcome Patrick and Jamie Nachtigall, along with their son Marco to the villas in Cairo this week.  The Nachtigall's serve as Regional Coordinators of Church of God ministries in the Europe and Middle East Region, which includes 18 countries with dozens of churches and projects.  Both have had quite a schedule in the past year, especially Patrick; he was recently in the US, flew home to Berlin briefly before speaking for a serious of meetings with the churches in the Ukraine, then back home to prepare for this trip--then, when he leaves, he will be back in Spain.  The Nachtigall's are great leaders and have been orchestrating ethos and systemic changes throughout the region that have been influential to similar leaders around the world.

They are here officially and unofficially: first, it's just past our 6 month of service mark here in Cairo, so they're checking in on us to make sure we're not losing our mind or making others lose theirs--there's a bit of "business" to discuss as it relates to what we've done, what we're doing, and what we need/hope to do.  As our largest goal right now is the acclimation of our family to this new and challenging metropolis, there is just a lot of relating and observing of our children.  Zeke and Marco have been playing nonstop from early morning to late at night, which has been good for both of them; and Titus and Grace really enjoy having Patrick and Jamie around and taking an interest in their lives.  Tomorrow night, the Nachtigall's will share during the CCF worship service--the Fellowship love the Nachtigalls and have a special relationship with Jamie who grew up here among them as her parents and grandparents served the Fellowship.

But, the Nachtigall's are also here unofficially--to vacation and hang out.  Both our families could use the downtime together, and so we will be off to a few days of fun and sun at the Red Sea.

Oh, and Hillary Rodham Clinton also came to Cairo for a visit.  She hasn't called yet, but we're sure there's a lot to do right now in talking to President Morsy and Field Marshal Tantawi, but we're sure we're on her mind and in her prayers ;)


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