Friday, November 23, 2012

Peace For You, Protests For Us UPDATED

Earlier this week, Egypt President Mohammed Morsi was basking in the praises of global leaders and media for his role in negotiating a peaceful ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip.

Last night, the same President Morsi drew harsh criticism as he gave himself sweeping powers within Egypt. The criticism from political opponents led to protests on the streets immediately, and the call for a "million man march" today (Friday, November 23) to demonstrate the opposition to such "anti-democracy" decision making.

President Morsi has been claiming to be a President for "all Egyptians"; yet, his only supportive voices after this Kate's announcement are his Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom & Justice Party, and the Islamist Salafi's Nour party. These groups are also planning to gather in all the squares today--not in protest, but in support of Morsi.

Such gatherings of opposition and support are likely to produce violence in city squares throughout Egypt.

While we have retreated with the CCF to the Mediterranean coast near Alexandria, the older Christian Egyptians we are serving are very much aware and alarmed over the news reports and commentaries playing on the one television in the conference center lobby.

I'm writing this post from a blog app that doesn't allow me to embed story links into the text, so please excuse the long strings of web address codes that follow; as you read these news articles, please pray for Egypt in these next few hours particularly as hundreds of thousands begin filling the square ls throughout the country:

new law "protecting-revolution"




brothers & salafis rally to support-morsy

Bracing for clashes

"New pharaoh"?

Million man march

UPDATES (11-26-2012)

CCF canceled services last night, in part to threats of ongoing demonstrations downtown and the other in part due to fatigue from this weekend's retreat.

The lingering clashes have produced dozens of reported injuries among protestors and police; one teenager was reported killed due to the violence that has ensued since the announcement by President Morsi.

The frequent US State Department warnings now include that the Embassy employees have been cautioned against using the popular and frequently used Metro "subway" system for travel; we, of course, use the Metro line ourselves each week particularly for getting to and from the meetings of the CCF.

President Morsi, perhaps under pressure from international leaders, has agreed to meet with the "opposition leadership" -- formerly splintered into various religious or political ideologies, now merged into one single "opposition" of the President's new decree.  Similarly, Morsi now plans to meet with the supreme Judicial leaders as well.

There are definitely "two-sides" forming now, in-support-of OR against the President's new powers.  As the following Al-Jazeera video begins, on the streets, it's difficult to discern who is for what and the chaos seems to spiral out of control.  There are some reports of assault against female teenagers by men during the riots.

Meanwhile, rival demonstrations are scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday, November 27 -- and scheduled to take place near to each other.  Many are preparing for the possibility of unrest again, as we have heard that some schools in Cairo are preparing to release early in the day; one of our kids' schools will not hold after school activities tomorrow as a result of these scheduled demonstrations.

A new story within the last hour or so is that President Morsi quietly passed a new law that may "pave the way for the Brotherhood to control the trade federation" -- there is not much information on this story yet, except that it was met with disapproval by current trade leaders.

The next few days will be interesting--continue to Pray for Egypt...

Updates 11-27-2012
Mosri doesn't back down in meeting with Egypt's top Judges; Judges say the crisis is not over.

Muslim Brotherhood "postpones demonstration" in favor of President Morsi--this is good, and hopefully will prevent some of the anticipated clashes today.  We will see whether or not all Islamists in favor of President Morsi follow suit and allow opposition groups to express their disagreement peacefully.

Fatalities from this latest wave of unrest have now reached 3.

CNN article has many good video clips and pictures, including these: first, commentary on the disputes over the new Presidential edict...

2nd, This next video represents defense of the President's edict by one of Morsi's advisors, as well as reporting on the Judicial meeting:

and this one, which shows video from the streets during the recent unrest:

Thank you for your continued interest and prayers for Egypt...

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