Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Egypt vs. Mosquitos

image obtained through Google image search
When we arrived in Egypt, we found ourselves battling ants often--strangely, we've hardly seen the pesky and persistent creatures this calendar year.  Once the temperature starting warming up, mosquitos became our nemesis.  The evenings and mornings are cool, but we can't often open windows when we are awake because the screens on our villa windows do not prevent them from flying in and terrorizing us through the night.

Mosquitos are obviously a health concern as they can carry diseases such as malaria.  According to the map pictured here, malaria is not a threat in Egypt, but still a danger in many parts of Africa.

Apparently, mosquitos are enough of a nuisance in Egypt that, according to this CNN video report, there was a government sponsored project to create a mosquito-repelling fabric... Watch:

This is interesting news; but from a political and economic perspective, this is positive news.  There has not been a high opinion of government projects lately, with few positive outcomes of government initiatives to report.  In a country where the economy has been down and industry has been low, has this breakthrough created the opportunity for a new industry that could contribute to the GDP and possibly reduce the unemployment by creating jobs in marketing, sales, manufacturing, and distribution?

Only time will tell, but it's nice to see Egypt have some positive news -- even if it's as small as a mosquito.

Pray for Egypt...

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