Friday, August 3, 2012

Chick-fil-A: They Didn't Invent the Controversy...

We are days away from our 7 month mark on the field in the Middle East.  As a family, we have been discussing what are the 7 things we miss most back in the USA, as well as 7 things that we are thankful for or are looking forward to doing.  That article is yet to come, but I can tell you now that near the top of the list is Chick-fil-A (start Tim Hawkins video)...

(and yes, we now know there's a new Tim Hawkins Chick-fil-A song)

We miss the waffle fries and chicken products with an ice-cold Dr. Pepper or Coca Cola.  And we've been excited about writing that article, but now Chick-fil-A has beat us to the headlines with a completely different news story--we were really shocked and surprised by what we were hearing from friends and family back in the States.

Many of you know the story, the controversy and the result--but to our international readers (and thank you for reading!) here's a brief news video...

Chick-fil-A's byline is, "We didn't invent the chicken, just the chicken sandwich".  Well, they didn't invent this controversy, but they're at the center of it now...

Dan Cathy, son of founder Truett Cathy, gave an interview--not on 60 Minutes, not to the New York Times, not on Meet the Press -- to the "Biblical Recorder", an online journal for Baptists in North Carolina (July 2 -- the story is picked up and republished until you have the snowball effect).  In the original interview, he is asked about his views on the family unit, and he answers, 
“We are very much supportive of the family – the biblical definition of the family unit,” Cathy said. “We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that. ...We know that it might not be popular with everyone, but thank the Lord we live in a country where we can share our values and operate on biblical principles.”
We're still trying to figure out, "How is this news?"

Chick-fil-A bucked-the-system by not opening on Sundays--when most cut-throat restauranteurs laughed at them thinking this would be a death sentence because the irony is that fast-food restaurants make a killing off of the Sunday-lunch-after-church crowd.  Why did they do it?  Because they based their decisions on deeply held personal conviction to a Biblical teaching.

There are plenty of Christian businesses, who have found ways to follow that teaching but still be open on Sunday to maintain a profit--most infamously, Family Christian Stores (USA's largest and most profitable Bible bookstore).  But not Chick-fil-A and everyone knew it was because they were a "Christian company".  

Many of their first toys in their kids meals were "Veggie-Tales", and everyone knew it was because they were "religious" like that.

Truett Cathy has authored, or co-authored, at least 6 books from what I can find on Amazon, and each  include his Christian perspective, testimony, and values -- why?  Because it is at the core of who they are, and everyone knows it.

The marriage retreat, the college scholarships, the foster home programs, and the summer camps for kids are all an extension of these deeply held religious/Christian values.  And until now, everyone understood that, perhaps even applauded it.

But now, based on comments to an obscure and really insignificant "online journal", everyone wants to put them at the center of a firestorm that has been simmering on the "back-burner" of American society for the past 30 years.

Aristotle famously said, "To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing."

But, Dan Cathy spoke, and now we criticize.  The Cathy's didn't say they were anti-gay; they do not have a history of refusing to serve or hire "gays" in the work place.  They do, however, have an opinion on what family is and who designed that family model.

I understand, though have yet to read the evidence, that they may support causes that promote this family model--and, by definition, promoting one definition of family is thereby against other definitions of family.  (By the way, as Keli pointed out, is the divorced population in an uproar over the same comments?)

And, I understand that business endorsement or boycott is an ongoing means of supporting or opposing viewpoints and values.

But, all of this that we're seeing is really surreal--a chicken restaurant has become the platform for this societal issue?!?!  And what we read posted, tweeted and/or reported, is sad.

To my "Christian brothers and sisters," some thoughts:
- when you stand on Truth, careful you don't step (consciously or not) upon others to make your point--and don't let your "affirmation" become pious bragging

- when you respond with snide remarks, you are wrong, and fail to represent Christ who had no deceit in his mouth when they hurled insults at him (1 Peter 2)

- be careful how you condemn sexual sin (John 8)

- and remember there is but one Judge and one Judgement day--until then, we are advocates of grace (2 Corinthians 5)

To those who are "homosexual", if you value a free and civil society such as America was intended to be, consider the comments of this individual posted on a CNN blog...

itlk2aa hit the nail on the head. This is OUTRAGEOUS! However, what is outrageous is not the controversy surrounding Mr. Cathy's comments. Rather what is an outrage is that this country has turned into a place where people, who are guaranteed freedom of speech under Bill of Rights, are not even allowed freedom of thought, let alone freedom of speech. I applaud Mr. Cathy for having the courage to speak his mind. I applaud the radio station brave enough to broadcast those words. It infuriates me when Government officials, Ed Helms, Jim Henson Co., GLAAD and the rest feel only they have a right to free thinking and free speech.
Just to let you know where I am coming from, I personally do not frequent Chick-fil-a because I think their product is overpriced. Also, I have been openly Gay for about 22 years. But on this you can count on, I will attend every Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day I can in support of Mr. Cathy’s right to free thought and free speech. The only hate in this equation is in the minds of the people bashing Mr. Cathy.
      August 2, 2012 at 3:47 pm

What do they think of such things here in the Middle East...

The above news video is the only mention of this giant USA story that you will find on Al Jazeera's news website -- and they cover EVERYTHING -- and I had to search for it with exact spelling before I could get a hit.  The video (that's from their reposted YouTube site) further has its comments disabled.  Homosexuality is a nonissue in the Middle East.  It "doesn't exist" and there are severe consequences for its existence.

You might call that "Old Testament" thinking and action, but that's the way it is here.  And, as a result, there is no question when it comes to what Western cultures may deem "effeminate" behavior.  There's a sincere "brotherly" affection that is displayed between the sexes here; for example, men will not only greet one other with kisses at the cheeks, but also walk arm and arm, sit on each other's lap when there's only space for one on the Metro, and more -- there's NOTHING sexual about it, just sincere camaraderie.

And, after 7 months here, we're not surprised by behavior that would have gotten some raised eyebrows back home.  And, honestly, to see that type of affection without the looks, the whispers and the wondering is really kind of refreshing.  People are genuine here--even if they're skeptical of you--but they're also genuine in their appreciation and love for one another.

We probably won't be talking about this to anyone here, because it's not on their radar.  But, I bet you would be hard pressed to find a Middle Eastern businessman or government official who would have any objection to Cathy's comments -- and we don't think that will lead to boycotts, mayors sending letters, or same-sex-kissing days at your local gas stations.

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