Thursday, June 21, 2012


Summer Break is here.  We are as excited as the kids as we are looking forward to more time just hanging out a bit.  They've had to work very hard through a very difficult transition in the past 6 months and so much of our time has been just "go, go, go" that we haven't had time just to relax together; consider:
 - December, farewell to friends, as well as to their teachers and
 - brief holiday events with our families, saying goodbye to several family members
 - packing, packing, packing, and a brief new year's time with family
 - finishing packing, running errands, final farewells and hopping on an airplane to Africa
 - Cairo culture shock, metropolis culture shock, British education culture shock, Christian school culture shock, small school culture shock, new church culture shock
 - new home, new people, new places, new foods, new schedules -- new everything

And with all of that, they made it through the school year, each doing well academically.  We are extremely proud of not only their typical academic success, but with the acculturation and the miracle of  the "new normal" they have had to seek in the past 6 months.

As they completed this semester, their school had a "Celebration of Success" banquet and program last night in the school's courtyard.  Each student received an award and each class contributed to the program.  Perhaps a highlight of the night was Zeke's class' Prayer Parable, a contemporary retelling of the parable of the Pharisee and tax collector (Luke 18:9-14) -- when you see this video, keep in mind that Zeke and his friend Nicholas choreographed this part of the skit:

It was a great time for all.  We have much to be thankful for by way of this school, and though it has presented its share of challenges to our kids adjustment, it has been a blessing of a first step for a transition to their new lives in Cairo.  We are, as always, very proud of our children and we know that of all the leaders God has sent us to the Middle East to train and raise up, they are the first.

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