Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Travel Playlist, 8of16

Yesterday was wonderful time with family--first with my dad, sister, nephew and neice--and then many hours spent laughing, crying, and sharing with wonderful friends who honored me by driving to spend time with me at a central Chik-fil-A.  FOR THE RECORD, I did not eat a single thing there because I promised my family that I would not taste it if they couldn't.  Sometimes, keeping your word hurts--a lot!

Last night, I was blessed to see Zach and Audrey again--perhaps the last time for a long time.  I was so happy to see Maggie and Justin Banger, Phil and Lisa Oldham, Josh and Emily Deeter, Rachel Hebert (whom I have not seen in years), Valerie Higgins, Michele Murray and Gentry.  What an awesome time together--even better than our memories was the chance to share a bit about what God is doing in each of our lives.  These are just a sampling of wonderful people whom we know that are busy making the world around them better in so many unique ways.  In honor of this group, I've got the Five-for-Fighting song, "World"...

Today, Dad and I will have lunch with their Josh Deeter (youth Pastor at Riverchase Community Church) and one of RCC's beloved leaders, Maxi.  I'm not sure I know a better encourager than Maxi -- I will be full in more ways than one after this lunch!  Pastor Tony, as I understand it, is sick and will not be able to join us.  RCC is not just a supporting church, but they're also one of the churches we have served and remain wonderfully connected to even today--in fact, nearly everyone who met me at Chik-fil-A last night are people who were co-laborers with us at a unique and special time in that congregation.

Today will be a better focus on my family of origin--more time with Mom and Dad, but also my brother Brian, and my Sister Indra and her family (husband Michael, children Will and Gillian).  I got to have significant time playing with Will and Gillian yesterday--today is Gillian's birthday, so we're gonna party!

I'm looking forward to more time with family; especially more interaction with my siblings.  I have a brother (Brian), a sister (Indra) --both younger--and now, also a brother-in-law (Michael).  I'm sure I was not the worst big brother, but I can guarantee I was a far cry from the best--in fact, a far cry from "good" would be generous.  My brother and sister may disagree with that statement, but I confess that I wouldn't have wanted a brother like I was most of my life to them.

I was always right, they were always not as right or cool or whatever.

I was always too busy, and whenever I did do something with them there was probably an ulterior motive.

I was selfish, rude, petty, and million-and-1 other negatives I'm sure.

For example: my brother used to save any candy he received from grandparents, Halloween, or whatever.  I would steal his candy because I was never quite the saver.  I was so bad that my brother made and kept a ledger of a bag of M&M's that he had purchased--counted each piece and documented by color; before he would eat any, he would pull out the hidden ledger to see if any were missing, then deduct the number of ones he was taking to eat.  I'm not making this up--I caused my brother to be neurotic.

I've tried to be a better brother through the years--Lord knows I've got a lot of making-up to do--but they're doing all right without me.  My brother and sister have not only survived their relationship with me, they're doing good things, including watching out for mom and dad.  My brother is still single, and my sister has married a good guy and they have a beautiful son and daughter.

Their song is from Coldplay, "Brothers and Sisters" - I love my brothers and sister, and I hope that they continue to make their lives extraordinary, enjoying the gifts and blessings we have received together.

Pictures from yesterday...

we took over the Chik-fil-A because I knew the small Starbucks next door
would not accomodate us well.

Phil and Lisa Oldham still live on property that tells part of the story of our joint family history--a history that we discovered more of together while on a youth trip.

Special thanks to our very special friend Michele who helped to get the word out and direct everyone to the appropriate time and place--she's the best.  Gentry is a beautiful young woman with a lot to offer the Kingdom--I expect to hear amazing testimonies as a result of her faith.  Justin has to be one of the most uniquely talented and gifted people I have ever met--don't let the mature after-work appearance fool you--he's quite the creative genius!

Both Maggie (on the right) and Rachel's families were a very special part of our Riverchase and Alabama experiences. Maggie and Justin have a beautiful, amazing daughter, and Maggie has her hands full trying to raise her and Justin at the same time--but she's doing a great job.  Rachel is an uber-talented singer/songwriter that has her family's heart of pure gold and sincere faith.  Such a joy to see them all again...

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