Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Road Trip Playlist 2014 #10

Review of June 14...
The H4L meetings came to a productive end, and then it was off to focus on meeting Michael Fay who is the missions pastor with McDowell Mtn Community Church (MMCC).  But more than Michael, I had the opportunity to have dinner with Michael's family, Pastor Matt Anderson's family, & worship pastor Joe Webb and one of his sons.

It was a great evening of sharing together while their kids played together.  This is just part if a great staff and it was really wonderful to see their kids laughing and playing together.  We are thankful for all our partners and the pastors with whom we get to talk and share.

I also got a little glimpse of World Cup action--living internationally now, and having friends in many of these countries represented, I can just feel the excitement and tension for each country.  What an event!  The Three Worlds family had to watch Italy and England battle in a great match--with Italy prevailing.

So now it's Sunday.  I have awakened to a beautiful morning in Scotsdale, Arizona.  I'm sitting outside sipping a coffee as various birds chirp in the distance.  I'm alone this morning as I take in the beauty of the environment of this amazing home--but today's song reminds me that I am never alone...

The views, opinions, antics, and behavior of <insert artist name here>
or those same represented within their song <insert song title here>
or of their record label, affiliates, or any other fan base
are NOT necessarily the views, opinions, antics or behavior of the Oldham Family,
Three Worlds, Church of God Ministries, Church of God doctrine,
or any other related Christian or organization;
it's merely a song, on a blog post, 
so read the rest of the post to find out what strange meaning Ken is drawing from it. :)

and now..., continuing with the 2014 Playlist...

Another Sunday and another favorite worship song from the past few years, and it's another one from Matt Redman, "Never Once."

Today is Father's Day - a fact that was lost on me for all these months of planning and scheduling this part of the trip.  We don't have Father's Day in Egypt, and Mother's Day is celebrated at a different time of the year.  It's a little strange to be celebrating Father's Day away from my fathers and children, but I'm glad that Keli will be able to be with her siblings and dad today.

As I listen to this song, I love the stressing of God's faithfulness and the reflection of how God walks with us, just as he has walked with us.  It may seem like He is distant or silent, but one day we'll have a better sense of how He was with us all the while.  This morning, without another person around, I'm able to say thanks to the Heavenly Father and take some time with Him.

How have you experienced the faithfulness of God?

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